

The Benefits of Managed WordPress Hosting: Why It’s Worth the Investment

June 24, 2024 by Sreekar

In the world of online business and blogging, having a fast, secure and reliable website is key to success. Managed WordPress hosting has become the go to choice for website owners who care about performance, security and support. At Rocon we specialise in WordPress optimised hosting solutions. In this post we’ll run through the benefits of managed wordpress hosting and why it’s worth it for your site.

In this section, we’ll explore six compelling reasons why Managed WordPress Hosting stands out as the top choice for small business owners. These are benefits of managed wordpress hosting:

  1. Improved Performance
  2. Enhanced Security
  3. Expert Support
  4. Automatic Updates and Backups
  5. Scalability and Flexibility
  6. WordPress-Specific Features and Tools

What is Managed WordPress Hosting?

Managed WordPress Hosting is a premium hosting solution for WordPress sites. Not standard web hosting. A complete suite of services to optimise performance, security and management of WordPress sites. 

This hosting service handles all the techy bits of running a WordPress site; software updates, security configurations and performance tweaks so you can focus on your content and business. 

By using a Managed WordPress Hosting provider you get faster load times, extra security, automated backups and expert support. Perfect for businesses, bloggers and e-commerce sites looking for a hassle free web hosting experience.

Managed WordPress hosting services pack in a lot of important features so you can be more hands off and focus on other parts of your business. Here’s what Managed WordPress Hosting usually includes:

  • Performance Optimization: Your site will run fast and be reliable even during traffic spikes.
  • Unified Dashboard: One simple interface to manage all your site settings, updates and configurations.
  • Essential Inclusions: Free SSL and free domain to boost security and make setup easier.
  • Security Scanning: Scans for vulnerabilities and potential threats to your data and site.
  • Automated Updates: Keeps your WordPress site up to date with the latest versions for performance and security.
  • Frequent Backups: Backs up your site regularly so you have recovery options if things go wrong.
  • Staging Environments: Create staging sites to test big changes before applying to your live site.
  • Expert Support: Dedicated support to help with any questions or issues you have.

Choose Rocon as your managed host and you’ll get Managed WordPress Hosting plus more. Beyond the standard managed hosting features, Rocon integrates with the world’s fastest Content Delivery Network (CDN). So you can create, edit, optimize and launch your WordPress site in minutes with just a few clicks.

The 6 Benefits of Managed WordPress Hosting

  1. Improved Performance

Managed WordPress hosting is fast and performance focused. Not shared hosting where resources are shared among multiple sites, managed hosting is set up to be WordPress optimised. This means server level caching, content delivery network (CDN) integration and tuned server settings for faster load times and better performance.

  1. Enhanced Security

Security is top of mind for any website owner. Managed WordPress hosting providers have robust security measures in place to protect your site from hacking attempts, malware and DDoS attacks. Features like automatic updates, malware scanning and proactive security monitoring keep your data safe and protected from evolving cyber threats.

  1. Expert Support

One of the big benefits of managed WordPress hosting is access to expert support from WordPress pros. Whether you need help troubleshooting, performance optimization or advanced settings configuration, managed hosting support teams are available 24/7 to get you fixed fast. So you can focus on growing your business or creating content without worrying about the tech stuff.

  1. Automatic Updates and Backups

Updating and backing up can be a time consuming and error prone process. Managed WordPress hosting providers automate these tasks for you, so your WordPress core, themes and plugins are always up to date with the latest security patches and features. Automated backups are done regularly and stored offsite so you can restore your site in case of data loss or system failure.

  1. Scalability and Flexibility

As your site grows and gets more traffic managed WordPress hosting has scalability to handle the increased demand. Providers offer scalable hosting plans where you can easily upgrade CPU, RAM and storage without any downtime or performance issues. This means your site will remain responsive and available to visitors during peak traffic.

  1. WordPress-Specific Features and Tools

Managed WordPress hosting often comes with WordPress specific features and tools that make website management and optimization easier. This might include one click staging environments for testing site changes, built in caching for faster page load times and integration with popular WordPress plugins for more functionality. These tools are designed to make your life easier and improve your WordPress site overall.

Do You Need Managed WordPress Hosting?

Choosing the right hosting for your WordPress site is a big decision that can impact performance, security and user experience. Managed WordPress Hosting is a premium service that optimizes, secures and simplifies WordPress sites. But is it right for you? Here’s a breakdown to help you decide if Managed WordPress Hosting is for you.

Businesses Sites:

  • High Traffic and Transaction Sites: Managed WordPress Hosting is perfect for businesses that get high traffic or handle transactions, as it gives you the performance, security and reliability for a smooth user experience.
  • Professional Image: For businesses looking to maintain a professional online presence, the speed, security and support of Managed WordPress Hosting can be key to building trust with customers.

Bloggers and Content Creators:

  • Focus on Content: If you want to focus on content rather than technical stuff, Managed WordPress Hosting makes it easy with automated maintenance and robust support.
  • Monetization: Bloggers and content creators looking to monetize their sites through ads, sponsorships or memberships will benefit from the performance and security features of Managed WordPress Hosting.

Small Businesses Sites:

  • Scalable Solutions: Sites expecting growth in traffic or content will find Managed WordPress Hosting’s scalable resources and performance optimization perfect for handling increased demand without slowing down or becoming unreliable.
  • Resource-Intensive Sites: Sites with lots of multimedia content, complex layouts or large databases can use the dedicated resources and advanced optimizations of Managed WordPress Hosting.

Non-Technical Users:

  • Ease of Use: If you’re not tech-savvy or don’t want to deal with server management, Managed WordPress Hosting is a hassle-free solution where everything is taken care of by your hosting provider.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing your site is maintained, secure and supported by experts means you can focus on what you do best without worrying about technical stuff.

Agencies and Developers:

  • Client Management: Agencies managing multiple client sites will benefit from the streamlined management and support of Managed WordPress Hosting to manage multiple projects efficiently.
  • Development and Staging: Managed WordPress Hosting often includes features like one-click staging sites and developer tools, which are valuable for testing and deploying changes.

Managed WordPress vs. Shared Hosting & VPS

Managed WordPress vs. Shared Hosting vs. VPS

Managed WordPress Hosting is the go-to choice if you seek a hassle-free, high-performance solution specifically tailored for WordPress sites. It’s ideal for businesses, bloggers, and non-technical users who prioritize site speed, security, and ease of management without delving into technical details.

Shared Hosting is best suited for small, low-traffic websites or personal blogs where cost is a primary concern. It offers a simple, budget-friendly option for beginners but comes with limited performance and control.

VPS Hosting provides a balance between cost, performance, and control, making it perfect for growing websites, developers, and businesses that need more resources and customization than shared hosting but aren’t ready for the complexity or expense of a dedicated server.

Your choice will depend on your specific needs, budget, and technical expertise. If you’re running a WordPress site and want to focus on content and business growth without worrying about technical maintenance, Managed WordPress Hosting is likely your best bet.

For those with more technical know-how or needing custom server configurations, VPS Hosting offers a flexible and powerful alternative. And for those starting small or with minimal traffic, Shared Hosting provides an accessible and economical entry point into the world of web hosting.

Get the Premium Managed WordPress Hosting Today

At Rocon, we offer robust hosting solutions for small businesses like yours. We know taking your business online is a big deal. Our mission is to make this journey smooth and successful for you.

Get started today and check out our Managed WordPress Hosting. Grow your business and website with confidence knowing we handle the WordPress maintenance for you. Our Managed WordPress Hosting ensures optimal performance and security with these premium features:

  • Team Management: Create a team, assign roles and permissions to team members.
  • Automated Backups and Updates: Stay protected and up-to-date.
  • One-Click Staging and Restore: Test changes safely and recover from issues quickly.
  • Website Security Suite: Full protection against threats.
  • Website Application Firewall (WAF) & CDN Analytics: Extra security and reporting.
  • 6-Month Risk-Free Trial: Try it for 6 months with no upfront payment or credit card required.
  • 24/7 Expert Support: Get access to WordPress experts whenever you need it.

Contact us now to enjoy a 6-month free trial of our Managed WordPress Hosting!

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